Monday, December 21, 2015

Holiday Season

Hello folks,

I am back in the south and home for the holidays. I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday and gets to spend time with loved ones during this season. This time of year it is easy to get consumed with gifts and materialism. However, it is important to remember the true spirit of the holiday season. 

I recently made the mistake of getting involved with a dispute with a family member. It was over politics, which isn't that surprising considering I am fairly liberal and most of my family is conservative. However, I said things in the heat of the moment. I was angry and quick to judge and be aggressive rather than trying to listen and understand. I sincerely regret this decision and the words I said. I can't take them back, but I can try to make amends. I can try to be better. I can try to remember that they have beliefs that are just as strong as mine and they want to defend them. They have every right to, and it does not help when I attack them. I find it hard to keep myself in check sometimes when it comes to my views, but what I do know is that I will strive to be more understanding. I can be helpful to not just my family but others if I give others the chance to explain. I want to be heard so I should listen. I want others to care for my thoughts, beliefs, and feelings so I should respect other people's views even if I disagree with them. Especially if I disagree with them. 

Remember that your loved ones may be all you have someday, and one day you may not have them at all. Cherish those who are special to you. Don't take your time here for granted. Try to give and be more understanding and accepting during this holiday season (and year-round, really). It is a time to take stock of the many graces we are given in this life. Maybe if we all try to be more open and understanding we can reach a common peace. 

Peace and love,


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