Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Avoiding NY resolution failures

Hello everyone,

It has been twelve days since most of us formed a new year's resolution and started off the new year with hopeful goals of transfiguring our lives. Hopefully you have been working hard at trying to achieve them over the past few days and are changing your lifestyle for the better. I, however, have not been as immediately successful. I fell into a bad habit of mine, and I think it affects most of us when planning our new year's resolutions: we set the bar too high. Now, I'm not saying we shouldn't set lofty goals for ourselves but there is a bad cycle I find myself in. I set a really high goal, and then when I see little to no progress on actually achieving the goal I quit. I don't think I am alone in this. 

Setting a big goal can be great when it's achieved, but it usually takes a while to gain traction and reach it. So instead, I broke down my goal into smaller goals. The smallest step I could take actually. If you have ever written cover letters you will understand my frustration and lack of achievement in this goal so far. At first I wanted to fill out job application after job application thinking I would immediately swing into a new career. Life doesn't work in fast miracles, however, and I became frustrated and discouraged. Today, I set myself a goal of finishing one cover letter. I am nearly finished writing it. Then I will have to edit it but you can see where I'm going with this. I set a goal for the day that I could actually achieve. Thus, I am still striving towards my big goal, but I feel like I am making progress because I am accomplishing a lot of small goals along the way. If you get overwhelmed with your resolutions try breaking them down into smaller goals for yourself. It is more likely you will keep going rather than give up on the resolution entirely.


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